Friday 28 November 2008

the wonders of pregnancy

i didn't realize this till now, but hair didn't fall out of my head while i was pregnant.  i realize this now, because they're starting to fall out now like before when i wasn't pregnant.  also, i only had one headache and it was a mild one, i didn't get sick, and my hair grew 6 inches during the eight months i was pregnant.  i'm sure some of that was due to the vitamins i was taking, but still, it's pretty amazing.  i'm not saying i'm ready to get pregnant again, but it was pretty great not having to pick up hairs off the ground for a while.

Monday 24 November 2008

thinking back...

i can only remember two times in my life where i held a baby for more than a minute.  once was when i was in elementary school when i met my baby cousin for the first time in hong kong, and the second time was my nephew visiting us in austin.  the parents were around both times.  i didn't really grow up around babies, and i never baby sat.  i can't remember ever changing a diaper.  this is the first time i have ever been alone with a baby.  and i didn't even realize this until my sister in law pointed it out, i'm not only alone with a baby, i'm alone with a baby in a whole other country.  scary...

Monday 3 November 2008

my postnatal appointment

i find the national health care system to be kinda strange here in the uk.  i received a letter in the mail two weeks ago for today's postnatal appointment.  i waited an hour to be seen and all the appointment consisted of was the doctor asking me if i understood everything that happened during my pregnancy and during delivery.  seems like she could have called me for that.